
Psalm 1:3 “That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and whose leaf does not wither -whatever they do prospers.”

tree-dawn-nature-bucovina-56875Now that you’ve landed on this site, I’d like to share just a bit of the backstory. In 2017, I retired from serving three different churches as a senior pastor over a period of forty years. Then for the next year and a half I had the privilege of being a home hospice chaplain. Now during this season of life I am leveraging my experience, education and gifts to walk alongside others as a spiritual director. One of my hopes for this site is to introduce you to my approach to this ancient practice. Direction has been a resource for believers through the ages and is currently finding new expression in the contemporary church. I am passionate about this because for the last thirty years, I’ve had the good fortune of experiencing life in Christ, with others walking alongside me. In the 1990’s while serving in Springfield, Illinois, I was introduced to and began seeing a Franciscan spiritual director. When I started ministry in 1999 at the First Evangelical Free Church of Chicago, I purposed that I would not do ministry as a solo sport. There, I had the good fortune of being directed by a wise Jesuit priest during my seventeen year tenure. Father Bill Creed S.J. was my companion and guide, directing me in the tradition of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Having the benefit of walking with wise mentors alongside me, resulted in my own sense of call to companion others as they seek to follow Jesus. An article I wrote for Christianity Today’s Leadership journal, details the beginning of my journey and my understanding of this ancient practice.

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